J. Dana Mitchellweiler
Dana began law school at age 30. Before that return to education, Dana was part of a family business. As a former family business owner himself, Dana wants his clients to know that he has literally been on the other side of the table talking to a lawyer as a business owner. The frustration of the legal system, the desire to have vendors honor their contracts, the cost of it all, the benefit of it all, Dana knows the ups and downs of business first hand.
After becoming an attorney, Dana could integrate his business experience with early law firm experience also centered on advising owners of closely held businesses. His experience as a litigation defense attorney and exposure to complex business and estate transactions brought Dana to a unique position as an advisor. He began his private practice in 1999 and has worked as a business attorney in the Orange and Riverside Counties of Southern California ever since.
Dana has maintained the same practice focus from the beginning - assisting, advising, defending, and developing clients’ businesses and estates. Now with 25 years of experience, Dana stands apart in his ability to maneuver the complexities of your world. Dana knows the court room. He also knows how the court room competes with the balance sheet. He knows the time and commitment needed to maximize the bottom line. He also knows that time and commitment can compete with the values of family. Dana looks forward to working through all the overlays of your path to success.
California Western School of Law, JD, 1994
Dean’s List and individual class honors
Arizona State University, BA – Economics, 1992
President ASU Economic Association
Professional Affiliations
President of the Riverside Estate Planning Council for the 2002/2003 term
Probate Section of the Riverside Bar Association
Trust and Estate and Business Sections of the California State Bar
ProVisors Group Leader of Trusted Advisors
Teaching Experiences
Adjunct Professor at University of Redlands: Legal Aspects of Human Resources, Estate Planning
Presenter for Continuing Education for Attorneys: National Business Institute Seminars
Instructor at Kaplan LSAT Prep
Instructor at Cal State Fullerton Program for Professional Fiduciary Management
Presenter for Insurance Industry Groups: New York Life, Guardian
Presenter for private organizations: Presbyterian Church, Foursquare Regional Convention
Presenter for Professional Groups: South County Estate Planning Council